Supply Chain Establishment & Support

At Cakum Global, we recognise that achieving success in today’s intricate and challenging business environment demands more than traditional logistics solutions. We excel in offering unmatched support in logistics and supply chain management, focusing on remote locations, conflict and disaster zones, and other challenging settings. Guided by Mark Krueger and backed by a team of experienced professionals, we leverage our extensive knowledge to ensure that Logistics and Supply Chain functions optimize your project or operation’s success.

Building Strength Through Relationships

Is your business struggling to meet client expectations, or those of your supporting contractors, in a new or challenging location? Different corporate cultures and operational perspectives often introduce hurdles in establishing an efficient, integrated system. There might be opportunities for shared services and integration with others in your operating area or among project participants. In smaller, nascent markets, it’s not unusual for project partners to vie for the same resource or service, compromising mutual success. Cakum’s support can be expected to reveal untapped potential, yielding significant cost savings and improved performance when successfully facilitated. We provide fresh perspectives and strategic insights to identify these potential opportunities and convert them into tangible benefits. Our team collaborates closely with you to comprehend the cultures, processes, and expectations, empowering you to capitalise on new opportunities and enhance efficiencies.

Navigating Major Projects

Undertaking major projects can be intimidating, particularly in today’s era of multiple project participants. Cakum Global is your key to success, whether you deliver logistics services or seek to develop effective logistics and supply chain strategies as an owner/operator, Mark Krueger’s vast experience in cooperating with major operators and EPC groups enables us to assist you in navigating this challenging terrain. Cakum’s unique capabilities include our access to advanced project materials integration systems (advanced work packaging), our capacity to identify the interrelationship between environment, infrastructure and service delivery, and our knowledge of world-class practices in streamlining both materials and personnel logistics. Last mile logistics, and in-field support is a key specialty, but integrated with the entire system. The Cakum team adopts a strategic approach, backed by their unique experience in operations-readiness, start-up, and transition from a production to a sustainment environment. We understand that projects must deliver long-term value and are equipped to guide you through these complex transitions.

Enhancing Supply Chain and Logistics Performance in a rapidly evolving global environment, your supply chain must be agile, efficient, and harmonised with your organisational objectives. Mark Krueger’s proficiency in comprehensive supply chain evaluations ensures the identification of initiatives catered to your organisation’s size, complexity, and growth potential. We champion cost reduction and performance improvement through collaboration and efficiency. This is evidenced by our achievement in reducing trucking costs for a major operator by 22% via analysis and rectification of wasted capacity and poor load-truck matching. Perhaps, you aim to identify the ‘low hanging fruit’ that can be immediately targeted to augment profitability.

Unlocking International Markets

Venturing into new international markets demands strategic planning and a profound understanding of local dynamics. Despite the pandemic, and into the post-COVID era, Cakum Global’s team has continued to travel, research, and engage internationally, gaining firsthand insights into the opportunities and structural, macro-economic changes transpiring globally. We routinely assist SMEs and technology start-ups from Western markets like Australia, Europe, and the USA in expanding into diverse markets. This exemplifies our ability to stimulate business development pipelines and establish operational partnerships that facilitate growth, while being grounded in real-world experience, not just theoretical boardroom discussions.

Strategic Procurement Optimization for Competitive Advantage

Strategic alignment of procurement with business objectives can serve as a potent competitive tool. Cakum Global provides an all-encompassing approach to procurement optimisation. We assess your procurement strategies, suggest practical improvements, and devise a roadmap for execution. Our ultimate aim is to harmoniously integrate your procurement function with your supply chain, fostering collaboration and strategic decision-making. This may encompass identifying outsourced solutions for new initiatives, along with transforming and modernising existing procurement and supply chain operations.

Meet Mark Krueger: Our Remote Sites Logistics and Supply Chain Lead

Mark is an accomplished Logistics and Supply Chain Management expert with a global background spanning Oil & Gas, Mining, Government, and Shipping sectors. Renowned for spearheading top-tier logistics execution in major Oil & Gas projects, he excels in transitioning projects to production, prioritising operational readiness and building a performance orientated safety culture. Mark is a trusted strategist for complex project environments, emphasising HSE, systemisation and operational excellence. Mark is proficient in Remote Sites Project Management, Logistics, Supply Chain, and Business Development in numerous countries on several continents.

Revolutionizing Workforce Logistics

The efficient and safe transportation of personnel to remote work sites poses a significant challenge, which can influence your people’s wellbeing, as well as costs and performance. Cakum Global specializes in optimizing workforce logistics. Whether it involves commercial or charter travel, high-risk commutes, or managing remote facilities, our world-class expertise guarantees safety, compliance, and cost efficiency. We understand that every seat on a charter plane, and every bed in a camp, signifies a significant expense. Therefore, we are committed to ensuring your workforce reaches its destination successfully. Not only is this a significant cost area for remote projects and operations, but it is also a crucial enabler. It’s paramount to have the right personnel at work at the right time. Cakum Global identifies this area, often neglected and poorly integrated, as a target for quick wins. We can guide you towards the right technology and local service partners to achieve excellence in workforce logistics.

Key Logistics & Supply Chain

Mark’s Core Team of Experts

Aaron Birkbeck
Remote Sites Logistics, Capture/Proposal Development

Wesley Nel
Remote Sites Camp Facilities Procurement and Logistics

Alistair Smylie
Remote Sites Supply Logistics

Dirkie Du Preez
Remote Sites Logistics Specialist

Doug Main
Strategic Procurement, Operations Improvement

Harrison Seidelman
Eastern European Humanitarian and Logistics

João Guimarães
Foodservices Logistics

Mark Wiggins
Remote Sites Logistics and Supply Chain, Health Logistics

Mick Burgess
Program and Project Management Expert, Strategic Planning and Acquisition

Five stars

“Most recently, we contracted [Cakum] for a period of three months, in order to kick off and support the preparation of a comprehensive technical proposal for a major remote site services project for Shell Exploration & Production in the Middle East. This resulted in a significant win for our organization. We have been most satisfied with Mr Aaron Birkbeck in particular, who has worked many long hours to achieve the end result and ensured timely responses and a comprehensive document response.”

Oil & Gas Project, Iraq
GCC Services, Kuwait
Five stars

“Since you assisted us, we have upgraded our processes in line with what you taught and demonstrated to us, and this has been duly noted by our clients and commented on time and time again this year.”

Oil & Gas Project, Canada
ATCO Structures & Logistics, Canada
Five stars

It is great having such a professional team pulling this stuff together, you guys do a fantastic job.

Health Project, Rwanda
Guardian Medevac, United Arab Emirates
Five stars

Aaron. I’m in awe of what you do and how you pull people towards an end result that we all can be proud of.

Seafood Operation, Djibouti
Djibah Seafood, Djibouti
Five stars

“I want to thank very much… all of you for the outstanding work you all did… in a very short time.“

US Army Corps of Engineers Project, Niger
Catering International & Services, France
Five stars

“We would like to express our sincere gratitude to your company for your great cooperation.”

US Defense Commissary Agency Project, Japan
UTOC, Japan

Get in touch with Cakum today

Our commitment to excellence, accuracy, collaboration, and outcomes-driven approaches will propel you towards success in any challenging environment.

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